Tuesday, 11 January 2011

22 and eleven twelfths.

I never thought that turning 23 would be scary. It's not considered old at all. Having said that, I am tired of having to consider what I have already accomplished and what I am yet to.

So what if I still live with my parents? So what if I haven't pinned down my dream job yet? I consider myself to be on the right track. I have my degree and I have my ambition, all I need now is opportunity. Where do you find opportunity? "Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon 'em".* I must be one of those set to achieve greatness. This is my starting point.

I purchased myself a sewing machine before Christmas. It is humble and inexpensive, but I hope it will teach me tricks of the trade. Yes I know what top must be worn with what skirt and what colour must never ever be worn with another colour, but it means nothing without the practical knowledge behind it.

For years I have influenced the fashion choices of my friends. Just ask Cherry, who would wear an ill fitting t-shirt sporting the face of Winston Churchill, with a plaid, calf length skirt and what can only be described as walking boots threaded with starry laces. I must say, this one was my first challenge! I loved her dearly no matter what she wore, but it was difficult to want to see her in public places. Shopping with her was a nightmare too. She was adamant that she would not wear trousers (except the jodhpurs stored away in her wardrobe from her horse riding days), she was adamant she would not wear colour. So strictly black and white and strictly skirted. Hmm. School uniform anyone?

Enter me. The force to be reckoned with. Now we see a beautiful young woman, allowing all who pass a glimpse of her perfect hour glass figure in a knee skimming Aline dress. And by the way, it is navy blue and covered in flowers of pinks, blues, greens, yellows and reds. Beautiful. What shoes does she where with this strapless party number? Why turquoise stilettos of course. Lesson learnt. Next project.

It is all very well giving fashion advice to your best friends, but I want to be bigger than that. I want to style the models and the celebs. The ones that look fab in everything but need me to transform a little black dress into this seasons must have look with shoes the colour of Quality Streets and clutch bags that contrast yet compliment. That is who I will be.


...where did I put that opportunity?

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It would be ab fab to hear what you guys think. Even if it's in disagreement to anything I say (although you must be made aware that you're wrong).

Just an acknowledgement that you read these so I know they're not being lost in the void of interweb to be eaten by the hungry spiders who roam there.

Hugs xxx